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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit proin mi pellentesque lorem turpis feugiat non sed sed aliquam lectus sodales gravida turpis maassa odio.
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"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit nunc gravida purus urna, ipsum eu morbi in enim"
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit ut suspendisse convallis enim tincidunt nunc condimentum facilisi accumsan tempor donec dolor malesuada vestibulum in sed sed morbi accumsan tristique turpis vivamus non velit euismod.
Lightning-fast technological progress has changed the world, but our over-reliance on technology also has a huge negative impact on the planet. We continue to use resources as if tomorrow does not exist. Yet the point is approaching where we can no longer sustain this. This blog examines the impact of IT on the planet and the increasing shortage of resources.
IT and raw materials and the looming scarcity
Anaverage laptop contains about66 different minerals, including lead, quartz, galenite, cerussite and anglesite. These minerals are used for everything from glass production to circuit boards and computer chips.
Here are some of the minerals commonly found in laptops:
- Lithium - used in laptop batteries
- Silicon - used in microchips, processors and other electronic components
- Aluminum - used in the enclosure, keyboard and other structural components of the laptop
- Copper - used in laptop wiring and circuits
- Gold - used in connectors and other electronic components because of its high conductivity
- Tin - used in soldering electronic components
- Tungsten - used in the filaments of laptop screens and lamps
- Zinc - used to coat screws and other metal parts to prevent corrosion
As of 2010, it is estimated that more than 1 billion laptops have been sold worldwide. This means that a huge amount of raw materials have been used to produce these devices. The demand for laptops is only increasing as more and more people depend on them for work as well as entertainment.
Let's not forget: laptops, no matter how convenient, have a price, financially and environmentally. Awareness of this is the first step to responsible use.
Scarcity threatens IT production
The United States is sounding the alarm over the looming scarcity of 23essential minerals, including copper, nickel, lithium and tin, which are indispensable for the manufacture of laptops. Research even points to the depletion of primary metal reserves within a 50 years.
These minerals are the beating heart of our electronics. Without raw materials, we simply do not have access to the technology we rely on today. It is therefore important that we take real steps now to ensure that these raw materials do not run out in the future. This means looking for alternative sources of minerals and recycling existing materials rather than simply relying on new mining.
It is important to realize that some rare earth minerals may already be depleted within a century. It is abundantly clear that laptop production is heavily dependent on minerals that are becoming increasingly rare and harder to extract.Immediate action is needed for a sustainable future in our technology-driven world.
Remanufactured laptops can save our resources
In a future that calls for sustainable solutions, green IT is indispensable.Repairing and upgrading used laptops is a powerful way to integrate sustainable IT applications. By using these laptops, we dramatically reduce the need for new production, saving a wealth of valuable resources and significantly reducing electronic waste.
As a buyer of used computers, it is important to know what to look for. Some refurbishments only give a used laptop a superficial refresh, without extending its life. On the other hand, you have remanufacturing. This involves taking laptops apart and carefully treating each part in a 360-step process before putting them back into service.
Between these two examples, there are also good refurbishments that can play a role in improving our sustainability. Still, buyers should focus on two things:
How much longer laptop life is extended
This is ultimately what leads to fewer new laptop purchases. The new BSIKitemark for Remanufactured Laptops may be one way to determine likely useful life.
Sustainable behavior of providers
When it comes to sustainable behavior of providers, there is considerable variation.Look for companies that control their carbon emissions and have them independently verified, minimize electronic waste, offset their own carbon footprint and preferably take action to address emissions from the IT industry.
The world has reached a tipping point regarding climate change and resource management, so now is really the time to take action.
We naturally advocate the wider use of our remanufactured laptops, which will not only reduce carbon emissions by 316 kg per laptop, but also achieve huge savings in raw materials and water consumption.
But what does true global success mean? We believe it means increasing the global use of remanufactured IT from less than 1% to 30-40%in the next 10 years. This will require more companies learning how to remanufacture, and the construction of large-scale facilities worldwide seems inevitable.
Together, we can protect the planet for generations to come by making sustainable choices today. We are proud to offer an innovative solution to fight climate change, but we realize that greater awareness, significant behavior change and acceptance of the right approach are necessary.
-> Also read our other blogs on sustainable IT!